Saturday, September 4, 2010

SDIA Oilers too much for Leafs, 3-1 Oiler victory

In a game filled with a number of big hits to the head and back of our players, the Oilers from SDIA proved to be anything but gracious hosts, as they beat us 3-1. A nice third period push and good effort from Julian battling in front of the net allowed us to avoid the shutout.

The first SDIA goal was a mad scramble in front of Roman, sticks, skates, legs and any number of other things were involved. Shortly after that, we were back on the power play after another cheap check got called, but some mis-communication resulted in a shorthanded wrap-around, as the power play did some Keystone Cops improv! We did battle hard in the third, as our new longer bench allowed us to be more fresh late, and we gave them a final surge.

Blake, Amanda, Justin and Rey push some Oilers around

Give the Oilers credit, as they were able to get away with taking undisciplined penalties by killing them off all game long! But they knew they were in a battle, and Rey has the broken stick to prove it...

We had a full 5 man D, and added Jolene Hall at forward, who absorbed a few hits, but also made some nice plays, including combining with Edward in a nice rush that we just could not finish.

Jolene set Edward up on a 2 on 1 chance

 In the morning, my least favorite team, as the Kings fan that I am, the Jr Duckies! QUACK THEM UP LEAFS!!

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