Friday, September 3, 2010

Leafs and Lightning battle to 2-2 tie in SDIA tourney opener for both teams

The dreaded sister-kisser, the one point loss..I know, we both won, but didn't feel like it. The kids worked hard, and Roman and the Leafs deserved a better fate! Coach Joe's team controlled the play, out hitting and out-shooting the undersized Beach City Lightning. Yes, we were missing not one, nor two, but three defenseman, but we had our chance to take this game. Leading 2-0 going to the third, we couldn't hold on, and the evener snuck in with about 45 ticks left on the game clock.

Shots on Goal
Leafs  6-9-10  Total 25
Lightning   4-6-9  Total 19

Enjoy some first period highlights for starters-- (Takes you to

First Period Highlights

Ryan and Blake paired nicely with Rey's line, as Justin and Amanda worked it around and setup the nice one-timer from the slot by Rey. Justin and Ryan had the assist, Amanda the nice cross ice dump that Justin was able to hunt down to begin the scoring play. Julian with nice anticipation steals the D to D pass and gets a nice shot up the middle. Edward was able to find some room in front, Jeffrey setting him up just before the horn sounds. Leafs 1-0 after one...

The second period began with an odd attempt to flip dump thru the middle, which led to a tripping penalty and Blake getting unexpectedly drilled from behind when he touched up. (Pre-season for the umps as well I guess--gotta protect the big ones too!) Jeffrey had a nice rush, and combined with Jaxon 2 on 1 and a nice save by the BCL netminder.

Chip Dump attempt goes bad..

Jeffrey makes a break for it!

Moments later, a failed pinch at the blueline led to a breakaway, but Roman gave them nothing but the pipe to shoot at, and they nailed it!

Early in the 2nd, pressure down low by Jaxon and Edward and Jeffrey as Julian covers the point.

From a faceoff to Roman's left, Rey won it back to Blake, who used a bit of misdirection toward Ryan behind, then hit Amanda on the left boards, who led Rey in stride, and he cruised in all alone, Justin at his side, and slammed his second of the game into the net! Just like we practiced it! Butts on the freakin' wall--yeah! (Thanks Coach Joey!)

Blake to Justin to Blake to Rey--nice play!

Early in the 3rd, Blake and Justin and Rey work some nifty plays, Amanda gets a couple whacks from the slot, but we just couldn't get that third tally! The Leafs kept the pressure on, but were clinging to the two goal lead as the clock ticked inside of three minutes to play.

Jaxon with some nifty stick work!

Lightning #66 goes end to end --power play tally!

BCL #66 Amy took it from behind her own net and weaved thru the four penalty killers for the Leafs and went to her forehand to beat Roman up high to make it 2-1 with under three minutes to play. Unfortunately, we had a chance to control it deep in our end, but tried to send it out front which helped them leave the zone and head for the offensive end. We had another chance to get it deep and off the boards, but went up the middle, allowing the quick counter attack and the eventual tying goal with just 45 seconds left.

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