Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Leafs beaten in Burbank by "A" tough club

Another tough opponent took the Leafs down Sunday morning at lovely Pickwick in Burbank. Five goals in the first and second and three in the third as the Leafs could not slow down the onslaught.

As we head into the final game of the preseason, we clearly have our work cut out for us, as we have to compete harder and not back down. Amanda battled to the very end, after taking a tough hit up under the chin she picked herself up and went down and delivered a tough one and found her way to the box. As a team, we must keep battling and fighting (not literally!) for pucks, position, and for each other.

Sunday at 415 the Jr Reign visit, and then we start the regular season--let's get some momentum as we get a fresh start and a second chance at learning from our prior games. Be focused and ready to practice hard this week and be prepared to play like we all know we are capable--and get a win!

The dog ate the video, or I tossed it from the car somwhere on the way back to town, or something--


Monday, September 20, 2010

Dragons slay Leafs 5-2 Preseason Game 2

The hit from behind

The Bakersfield Dragons scored three times on a five minute major in the first period, and those three help up to be the margin of victory. Considering the Dragons tied Beach City last week, it stood to reason we should be on pace with them. But, two d-men out (Will and Cole) and Justin in the stands in a sling made it tough sledding. Whether the call was not so good or not, the criteria according to the ref was that the kid was injured and had to be helped from the ice. Yes, he later returned to the game, but they have to make a decision after talking it over between the three of them and continue the game.

Roman the save, Rey and Blake evacuate the area!

Power play goal numbers 1 and 2 came just 35 seconds apart, and number three came just one second before we got back to full strength. Too big a mountain to climb to get back into the game..check it out!

Two quick PP goals against

 Third one on a rebound banged in

More to follow when I get a chance to decipher the video. For historical purposes only, I will show a hit that was put on Doug clearly from behind with no call. Doug popped up immediately of course because he is a stud and tough as nails--nuff said!

Doug gets a rough ride--

In the second, Amanda found her way to the net and chipped in a rebound off of a Julian shot, and the Leafs seemed to be closing the gap, but the Dragons were able to get their 4th goal just a minute later to get to 4-1. Eleven Pasadena shots in the third were fired at the Dragons net, but only the last one beat the goalie, as Rey jumped on a turnover and scored with just 5 ticks left on the clock.

Amanda gets to the front and chips one home!

Turnover leads to 5th goal by Dragons

Rey slides one past just before the clock expires

Some game stats:

Shots on Goal Dragons 28 (11-11-6), Leafs 22 (3-8-11 by per) Half the Leafs shots in 3rd per alone
Scored by per  3-0 after 1, 4-1 after 2, 1 goal each in third, final 5-2

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Leafs fall to Jr Ducks in Pre-Season opener 9/12 Paramount

As has been the pattern so far this young season, the Bantam B edition of the Pasadena Maple Leafs comes out pretty strong in the first period. With the exception of the second goal by number 87 which sort of snuck in, the Leafs were skating hard and working to keep the game close. Here are some first period highlights, including some hits, some saves, and a couple chances in front we couldn't take advantage of.

Period 1 highlights

The second period was not so kind, as the team from up the 5 put up four more to make it a 6-0 game after two. The 2nd has been the period where we give up most of our goals, and tonight was no exception, as half of the Ducks goals were in the second. Interestingly, the Leafs out-shot them in the 3rd period 7 to 6. Watch it if you dare!

 Period 2 highlights

The third period was way better, as we outshot them 7-6 and did some hitting and skating, and yes, Ryan hit a Duck, who quacked (coughed) up the puck to Jeffrey who fed Julian for the goal. Blake caused some trouble, occupying multiple players, leading to a steal and shot for Edward. Some nice saves by Roman, and some back-check hustle by a tall forward..highlights will follow shortly!

Period 3 highlights

Game stats
Shots on Goal   Leafs 3-2-7 Total 12   Jr Ducks  16-13-6  Total 35

Score by Period     Leafs   0-0-1 Tot 1   Jr Ducks  2-4-2 Tot 8

Leafs took no penalties, Jr Ducks 3 minor pens, Roughing 2nd per, Boarding and Interference in the 3rd

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Game 4 in San Diego vs Penguins at KROC Center Sun 5pm

Down three gritty, talented players, Justin, Rey and Jeffrey, the Bantam Maple Leafs held the game scoreless thru the first 15 minutes. Blake moved to forward, and went nose to nose with their taller defenseman. Things fell apart a bit in the second, as the Pens were able to get four behind Roman, as they began to pressure the Leafs and put them back on their heels. Blake worked hard back-checking, and blanketed the point men for the Pens, and made a nice recovery along the boards and pass in front to Jaxon all alone, who was denied on a pad save by the goalie late in the second.

In the third, it was a 4-0 game, as Ryan took a drop pass from Julian and beat the Pens goalie for our lone tally of the game, ending the shutout bid.

After two games, the Leafs had been outscored 5-3, but had played pretty evenly, and deserved at least a win if not more. But games three and four were a combined 12-1, as we ran out of steam. The feeling is we can play with all of these teams, and the Ducks and SDIA may be two of the tougher teams in our Bantam B division.

Time to get ready for the pre-season and work on the things that the tournament showed us we need to improve on.

Keep working Leafs--we have a tough team if we play like we are capable!

Jr Ducks overpower PML 7-0

After 1, the Ducks had a slim one goal lead, but they kept up the pressure in the second, and Justin was hurt sliding into the corner. The Pasadena Maple Leafs struggled to get shots on goal, while Roman was being hit from all angles, kicking pucks out and covering what he could. The Ducks bottled us in, and time and time again Leaf forwards were not able to get the puck past the defense and out of the zone.

After watching the tape back, I am certain the shots on goal were not right, but we were certainly outchanced badly. The second goal came on a bad turnover from the wing right up the slot, leading to a goal from the defense. The game went downhill quickly in the second after Justin was injured.

We have a rematch this weekend, so we need to recognize the big hitters and keep our heads up and battle for loose pucks. We can certainly play with them if we avoid turnovers and cut down on their shots against. Too many times we gave up uncontested shots in the slot or from the point. Forwards need to get to the shooters and get in the way of some shots.

Some rest and a fourth and final game at the KROC center at 5pm vs the Penguins, who beat the Ducks 1-0 Saturday.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pre-season Schedule announced

The Maple Leafs Bantam B team will be hosting three of the four pre-season games, so let family and friends know so we can cheer on our team! Here is the schedule, as well as the SCAHA Link for reference.

Maple Leafs Pre-season game schedule

Date Time GM Visitor Score Home Score Rink Type
09/12/10 6:00p 4036 Jr. Ducks
Maple Leafs
Paramount Iceland
09/19/10 6:00p 4040 Dragons
Maple Leafs
Paramount Iceland
09/26/10 8:55a 4043 Maple Leafs
10/03/10 4:15p 4050 Jr. Reign
Maple Leafs
Paramount Iceland

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jolie joins Leafs for weekend games

Yes, we will meet them this Sunday in a pre-season game and they will pay!

This is the only photo I have gotten so far, so it wins the award of automatically reaching the blog! Jolene Hall, aka Jolie, welcome from the Ducks and the Leafs players, and parents and coaches!

I am working on two DVD's for each kid, as I scored the buy one get one free DVD pack at Costco, so I am flush with DVD-R's! But, I could use some photos, as I was on my own, and wife Debbie was not by my side taking pictures. Please get them to me, email me a couple, put them on a CD, anything, so i can use some for the DVD's. I will put two games worth of highlights onto each DVD.

I will recap the Sunday games on the blog later today or Tuesday, and will have DVD's by Sat or Sunday if all goes well. Blake is sore and tired, but ready to fight again. I hope Justin, Rey, and Jeffrey know they were sadly missed, and we hope they are on the mend!

As Blake summed up the final game, we were even for 2/3's of the game. It was scoreless after one, and we each scored one in the third period. I think we have to look at these games for what we did well at and what needs work, and yes, kids and parents, there is much work to be done, but I think we have the makings of a team that can beat all four of those teams handily when we play the way we can and must to be successful...

Type at you soon!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

SDIA Oilers too much for Leafs, 3-1 Oiler victory

In a game filled with a number of big hits to the head and back of our players, the Oilers from SDIA proved to be anything but gracious hosts, as they beat us 3-1. A nice third period push and good effort from Julian battling in front of the net allowed us to avoid the shutout.

The first SDIA goal was a mad scramble in front of Roman, sticks, skates, legs and any number of other things were involved. Shortly after that, we were back on the power play after another cheap check got called, but some mis-communication resulted in a shorthanded wrap-around, as the power play did some Keystone Cops improv! We did battle hard in the third, as our new longer bench allowed us to be more fresh late, and we gave them a final surge.

Blake, Amanda, Justin and Rey push some Oilers around

Give the Oilers credit, as they were able to get away with taking undisciplined penalties by killing them off all game long! But they knew they were in a battle, and Rey has the broken stick to prove it...

We had a full 5 man D, and added Jolene Hall at forward, who absorbed a few hits, but also made some nice plays, including combining with Edward in a nice rush that we just could not finish.

Jolene set Edward up on a 2 on 1 chance

 In the morning, my least favorite team, as the Kings fan that I am, the Jr Duckies! QUACK THEM UP LEAFS!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Leafs and Lightning battle to 2-2 tie in SDIA tourney opener for both teams

The dreaded sister-kisser, the one point loss..I know, we both won, but didn't feel like it. The kids worked hard, and Roman and the Leafs deserved a better fate! Coach Joe's team controlled the play, out hitting and out-shooting the undersized Beach City Lightning. Yes, we were missing not one, nor two, but three defenseman, but we had our chance to take this game. Leading 2-0 going to the third, we couldn't hold on, and the evener snuck in with about 45 ticks left on the game clock.

Shots on Goal
Leafs  6-9-10  Total 25
Lightning   4-6-9  Total 19

Enjoy some first period highlights for starters-- (Takes you to youtube.com)

First Period Highlights

Ryan and Blake paired nicely with Rey's line, as Justin and Amanda worked it around and setup the nice one-timer from the slot by Rey. Justin and Ryan had the assist, Amanda the nice cross ice dump that Justin was able to hunt down to begin the scoring play. Julian with nice anticipation steals the D to D pass and gets a nice shot up the middle. Edward was able to find some room in front, Jeffrey setting him up just before the horn sounds. Leafs 1-0 after one...

The second period began with an odd attempt to flip dump thru the middle, which led to a tripping penalty and Blake getting unexpectedly drilled from behind when he touched up. (Pre-season for the umps as well I guess--gotta protect the big ones too!) Jeffrey had a nice rush, and combined with Jaxon 2 on 1 and a nice save by the BCL netminder.

Chip Dump attempt goes bad..

Jeffrey makes a break for it!

Moments later, a failed pinch at the blueline led to a breakaway, but Roman gave them nothing but the pipe to shoot at, and they nailed it!

Early in the 2nd, pressure down low by Jaxon and Edward and Jeffrey as Julian covers the point.

From a faceoff to Roman's left, Rey won it back to Blake, who used a bit of misdirection toward Ryan behind, then hit Amanda on the left boards, who led Rey in stride, and he cruised in all alone, Justin at his side, and slammed his second of the game into the net! Just like we practiced it! Butts on the freakin' wall--yeah! (Thanks Coach Joey!)

Blake to Justin to Blake to Rey--nice play!

Early in the 3rd, Blake and Justin and Rey work some nifty plays, Amanda gets a couple whacks from the slot, but we just couldn't get that third tally! The Leafs kept the pressure on, but were clinging to the two goal lead as the clock ticked inside of three minutes to play.

Jaxon with some nifty stick work!

Lightning #66 goes end to end --power play tally!

BCL #66 Amy took it from behind her own net and weaved thru the four penalty killers for the Leafs and went to her forehand to beat Roman up high to make it 2-1 with under three minutes to play. Unfortunately, we had a chance to control it deep in our end, but tried to send it out front which helped them leave the zone and head for the offensive end. We had another chance to get it deep and off the boards, but went up the middle, allowing the quick counter attack and the eventual tying goal with just 45 seconds left.