Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting to Know Blake Michelle

Blake has been skating and playing hockey since he was about 6 yrs old. He began at the Aliso Viejo Ice Palace, played at KHS for two yrs as a Beach City Lightning Squirt, and has been most recently playing at Anaheim Ice. He lives in Mission Viejo, with his 10 yr old brother Jack, and his mom Debbie and dad Bill. He will be starting 7th grade in September.

Q & A with Blake

What do you like about playing hockey?
The pace, the speed of the game. (Blake also plays tennis quite well, too!)

If you could put just five bands on your iPod, who would they be?
Ozzy Osbourne
Fall Out Boy
The Wallflowers
Boys Like Girls

What other interests do you have outside of hockey?
Video games on the PS3 and Wii, as well as comic books.

Name some of your favorite TV shows:
Warehouse 13, Amazing Race, Leverage

What are some of your favorite foods?

Describe the way you play hockey or maybe a player you might play like.
Rod Langway, 1983 Norris Trophy winner from the Capitals. He scored just 3 goals, but was an outstanding defensive player

Favorite subjects in school?
Social Studies, Math and science (Blake is an excellent student--nearly all A's)

Place you would like to visit?
The Ukraine, as our family roots on my dad's side of the family go back to there

Favorite places you have played hockey at?
The Valencia Ice Station, and the rinks in Colorado in a tournament he played back in 2007 with Beach City

Thanks Blake! Can't wait to hear about some of the other players on the team..

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