Friday, August 27, 2010

In the Box with...Coach Joe Francis

The smile that lights up the rink--the man, the myth, the Legend, our very own, Coach Joe!

Coach Joe in the Box

Before we start playing, let's get to know Coach Joe Francis, on and off the ice. We’ll start with the hockey stuff, and end with the off-ice side of the man who pulls the strings for the Pasadena Maple Leafs Bantam B team.

You have sent out a goal sheet, stressing some measurable goals for the team to achieve to be successful. Outside of the typical wins and losses, how do you measure improvement and success for a young team like this?

As a team I look at execution on the ice, player reaction to situations on the ice and how they react.  We taught the basics last year in terms of positioning, breaking out the puck and penalty killing.  This year we’re going to take it up a notch where there is more involvement by our defensemen in the offensive zone and by our forwards in the defensive zone.  I’m looking for 20% of our scoring to come from the defensemen.

In club hockey, there is A and B and Tier level hockey. Is the game pretty much the same at all levels, but an increase in skill and speed from B to A and A to Tier?

No there’s a big difference in each level, not only in speed and skill levels, but in strategy and systems.  More emphasis on moving the puck as team, you don’t see the individual play at the Tier levels as you do in the “A” and “B” levels.  Also the game is less physical at the Tier level, the hitting is smarter with a purpose and not a head hunting that can occur at the “A” and “B” level.

What attributes make for a solid B level hockey player as a 12 year old? Give me four or five traits you think are vital.

A “B” level player is a developmental player and all our players will be playing “A” next year they are learning and their individual skills are improving.  They made great strides over the spring in terms of maturity and skill development.  At any sport the athletes that want to excel have to;

·         Listen and follow instructions.
·         Learn the game and your position, watch the pros and see what they do on the ice.
·         Practice at home on your weak areas.
·         Get in shape, not only for hockey, but just to create a fitness lifestyle to live a long health life.
·         Learn to read the ice to identify situations and opportunities.
·         Learn to utilize your teammates.
·         Be an unselfish player.

How long have you been coaching? Tell us of your experience in youth hockey.

I started coaching in 1995 when my son brought home a roller hockey flyer from the YMCA.  After one session of watching coaches not teaching I decided to coach.  In 2000 I switched to ice, I hadn’t skated in 26 years on the ice when I put the blades back on.

I have four memorable experiences, the first in 2001 playing at the Riverside Squirt “A” tournament at President's weekend.  We took players from the South Coast Sabers and Costa Mesa Comets that were having a bad year and formed a tournament team called the Panthers for this tournament.  We beat the Phoenix Firebirds for the championship game 5-3 and a dad from one of the Sabers players came out of the stands with tears in his eyes and hugged me after we came off the ice. It made this season during a disappointing SCAHA season.

The second was playing the San Diego Stars at the San Diego Ice Arena. Our Panthers were tied 4-4 with the Stars with six seconds left and the face off in their end on the left circle.  We pulled the goalie and my son Joe won the face off sending the puck to our forward in front of the net that one-time the puck past the goalie for the win.

Third was watching my son Joe’s highlight in Edmonton at the Canadian “AAA” Challenge on the Canadian National News sport report.  He took a shot, followed it to catch the rebound taking it around the net and wrapping it around drawing the goalie and then passing the puck to his line mate for the goal.  I have the copy of the tape and a picture of him at that tournament in my office.

The fourth was 2005 after taking a 18-0 beating by the Northern Alberta All-Stars in the round-robin play in Edmonton, we took them to the mat in the semi-final game of the tournament before losing 9-6.  We went on to win the bronze medal in a twelve team field.

You are not a native California guy--tell us where you grew up, and maybe an early hockey memory or a favorite player you might have followed growing up. How did you get to California?

I stayed in California after my tour with the Marine Corps ended.  No jobs back in Detroit.  I was a football and baseball player, hockey was too expensive so I could only play recreation on the outside rink, and got my gear hand-me-down from my older cousins who played for the Jr. Red Wings.  I played goalie because I had a good glove hand and could bat the puck like a baseball with my twig.

I quit playing hockey in 1974 when I was nineteen.  Gordie Howe and all the old Wings from the late 50’s and early 60’s were my heroes. In those days professional athletes stayed with their teams unless they were traded,  as there was no free agency,  so you got to know the players.

Are you partial to very tall players? Especially those with overly involved fathers??
(Interestingly..he forgot to answer this one! Perhaps in a post-game interview I can catch him off-guard with it!)

Coffee or Tea?  Tea 

Chocolate or Vanilla?  Chocolate

Last book you read  10 Big Lies About America

Last Movie you saw??  Despicable Me in 3D

Sunday afternoon, in the off season, nothing on the the gotta-do-list. How does Joe Frances like to spend his time away from the rink? Working with my middle son who is disabled and hanging out with my family.

What do you do for a living?  I work in the Port of Los Angeles and am the Director of Labor and Project Development for my company, which is a stevedore and terminal operating company.

We unload and load all the stuff you buy from Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, Kohl’s, Lowe’s, Home Depot from the ships, and load other stuff for Asia and other places around the world.

Tell us something about you likely none of us know! Do you want to be the next Food Network Star? Do you yearn for a career in acting when you are done coaching? Contemplating learning ballroom dancing? Come on--let your hair down, tell us something.... 
(Yep, he skipped this one as well! He's crafty I tell ya!)

Thanks for taking the time...your time in the box is done, so back out on the ice Coach Joe!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SDIA Fun in the Sun Schedule

Well, looks like we will get a chance to see the two Anaheim teams! Here is the emailed info from Coach Joe. Should be a blast..

Here is the schedule for the fun in the Sun Tournament  with an immediate schedule change from on Friday and two games on Sunday.   All games are at SDIA except our second game on Sunday which is at the KROC Center.  Anyone needing a ride let me know I take three players with me on Friday and Saturday.  May stay over Saturday night, still undecided.

Even though the schedule list us as the home team make sure you bring both game sweaters/jersey’s and the appropriate socks.

Friday 9-3-10 – SDIA Rink

12:15 p.m. - Beach City Lightning at Maple Leafs

Saturday 9-4-10 – SDIA Rink

10:50 a.m. - SDIA Oilers at Maple Leafs

Sunday 9-5-10 – SDIA Rink

8:50 a.m. – Anaheim Jr. Ducks at Maple Leafs

KROC Center Rink

5:00 p.m. - San Diego Penguins at Maple Leafs

Monday 9-6-10 – SDIA Rink

9:50 a.m. – Championship Game if applicable

Friday, August 20, 2010

Great Save, Coach Joe!

One minute, we are shutout of the Labor Day tourney in Valencia, and the next moment, Coach Joe found us a spot in San Diego! Way to go Coach Joe!

Here's the link:

Official schedule not out yet on their site, but we debut Friday (Sept 3rd) night 5pm, two games Saturday, another Sunday, and if we are so fortunate, a championship game on Monday!

More details as they become available..

For those who missed last Thursday night, we had some extra ice team and even scrimmaged the Midget team for nearly an hour! No one was hurt, and no final score or stats were available, but it was nice to see the kids working against someone besides themselves!

See ya all Saturday morning!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Not the whole team, but one or two new faces came out for the Saturday group skate with the Pee Wee kids. I apologize for the dark photos, and I brought the big camera and even tested some vantage points for shooting video of the games. If anyone is a camera wiz, I will gladly accept lessons or photo contributions. Here are a few more--see ya all Thursday!

And now, the big boys, the heavy hitters--I have a soft spot I must admit for the giants!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

First Practice Aug 12 7-8pm

The wait is over, as the "lite" version of the Bantam B team took the ice together for the 1st time. No one was more excited, or ready to be photo'd than none other than Coach Harry!

Once the players took to the ice, Coach Joe set some expectations, and "better-skating" Coach Joe started to put them through their paces. As Blake said, having less players meant it was your turn again a little sooner in the drills, as we were about five or six players short of a full group. Nonetheless, hard work, lots of explanation, some ground-rules, and some good old fashion hustle punctuated the 1st hour together as a team.

Coach Joe Francis inspires the team on opening night of practice at Paramount

 Puck protection and the ability to body the player off of the puck are two points of emphasis from the coaching staff, and some good work was done in some half ice drills to learn the finer points of that skill. After practice, a final parting thought sent the kids on their way with some things to think about and build upon.

No two ordinary Joe's indeed!

A couple extra photos for nostalgic the future I will use the nicer camera and won't shoot too many at practice..but I got 'em, so why in the world not??

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting to Know Blake Michelle

Blake has been skating and playing hockey since he was about 6 yrs old. He began at the Aliso Viejo Ice Palace, played at KHS for two yrs as a Beach City Lightning Squirt, and has been most recently playing at Anaheim Ice. He lives in Mission Viejo, with his 10 yr old brother Jack, and his mom Debbie and dad Bill. He will be starting 7th grade in September.

Q & A with Blake

What do you like about playing hockey?
The pace, the speed of the game. (Blake also plays tennis quite well, too!)

If you could put just five bands on your iPod, who would they be?
Ozzy Osbourne
Fall Out Boy
The Wallflowers
Boys Like Girls

What other interests do you have outside of hockey?
Video games on the PS3 and Wii, as well as comic books.

Name some of your favorite TV shows:
Warehouse 13, Amazing Race, Leverage

What are some of your favorite foods?

Describe the way you play hockey or maybe a player you might play like.
Rod Langway, 1983 Norris Trophy winner from the Capitals. He scored just 3 goals, but was an outstanding defensive player

Favorite subjects in school?
Social Studies, Math and science (Blake is an excellent student--nearly all A's)

Place you would like to visit?
The Ukraine, as our family roots on my dad's side of the family go back to there

Favorite places you have played hockey at?
The Valencia Ice Station, and the rinks in Colorado in a tournament he played back in 2007 with Beach City

Thanks Blake! Can't wait to hear about some of the other players on the team..

Friday, August 6, 2010

What the heck is this??

I have met some of you, but for those who don't know me, I am Bill Michelle, the father of the new, tall defenseman Blake (Gratuitous father/son photo above). He has been playing with Roman, our goalie, at Anaheim Ice off and on for a couple seasons, and we were asked to come and meet Joe, and that brings us to here! I like to write and shoot video, and my wife takes great photos, and I got Coach Joe to allow me to create this blog to use as a communication tool, as well as to chronicle the season, using game recaps, photos, videos from, and maybe even player profiles, three star selections for each game, locker room interviews, who knows! I did every game from my other son Jack's baseball season, and it was a big hit, so I offered to give it a try! Comments welcome, and I love other contributors, so please email me at, send photos, whatever! Might as well make it as memorable as possible!

May it be the greatest season in SCAHA history! (Lofty goal, huh??)

Here we go Maple Leafs!

(above photo of Blake before he swooped over to the Maple Leaf camp!)

Hey Bantam B-ers! Coach Joe has enlightened us as only he can do! Here is the schedule for the next few weeks. ALL CLINICS AND PRACTICES ARE AT LOVELY PARAMOUNT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED!

Also, I checked into it, and the Valencia tourney folks are saying the full schedule will be out by Aug 21--I will keep an eye out and get it in front of you as soon as possible!

Wednesday - August 11th - 8:15-9:45 p.m. - Bantam/Midget Clinic

Thursday - August 12th - 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Bantam Practice - (Need Tournament Fee)
******PAY UP PEOPLE!!!************

Saturday - August 14th - 9:15-11:30 a.m. - Combined Pee Wee/Bantam Practice

Wednesday - August 18th - 8:15-9:45 p.m. - Bantam/Midget Clinic

Thursday - August 19th - 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Bantam Practice

Saturday - August 21st - 9:15-11:30 a.m. - Combined Pee Wee/Bantam Practice
*****Valencia Tourney full sched available--stay tuned!******

Wednesday - August 25th - 8:15-9:45 p.m. - Bantam/Midget Clinic

Thursday - August 26th - 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Bantam Practice

Saturday - August 28th - 9:15-11:30 a.m. - Combined Pee Wee/Bantam Practice

Wednesday - September 1st - 8:15-11:30 a.m. - Bantam/Midget Clinic

Thursday - September 2nd - 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Bantam Practice or 1st Tournament Game

Friday - September 3rd - Labor Day Tournament

Saturday - September 4th - Labor Day Tournament

Sunday - September 5th - Labor Day Tournament

Monday - September 6th - Labor Day Tournament if necessary